- 多年の念願
something that one has wished to do for a long time 意味
- "something that needs research" 意味
- "something that one "just has to have"" 意味
- "something that one can be really proud of" 意味
- "something that one couldn't give up even if one wanted to" 意味
- "something that one has wanted to do for a long time" 意味
- "something that people have responded to" 意味
- "something that seems familiar" 意味
- "something that should not be forgotten in talking about" 意味
- "something that should only be practiced in private" 意味
- "something that one couldn't give up even if one wanted to" 意味
- "something that one has wanted to do for a long time" 意味
- "something that people have responded to" 意味
- "something that seems familiar" 意味